

Some of our traditions include...
  • Home Visits
  • Chapel Wagon
  • Grade Level Parent Socials
  • Acolytes and Bell Ringers for Chapel
  • Visit from the Fire Truck/Firefighters
  • Grandparents Chapel 
  • Mini Memories (Children's Art - Ceramics)
  • Halloween Parade
  • Book Fair
  • Thanksgiving Feasts
  • Thanksgiving Program
  • Candy Houses
  • Nativity Play
  • Christmas Ornaments
  • Visit from the Postman
  • Dads Days
  • Marketplace (biannual)
  • Preschool Days (Singing)
  • Polar Express 
  • Soirée (Silent and Live Auction)
  • Easter Chapel
  • Moms Days
  • Women's Christmas Tea
A year at The Preschool includes both treasured traditions and innovative new ideas that build community and better our programs. 
August sees the beginning of a strong partnership between the school and families. Those new to The Preschool gather for a New Family Orientation, and all children receive special one-on-one home visits from their teachers - a great start to a smooth transition into school! Parents then participate in Back to School Night, Visit Your Classroom and the Volunteer Fair to learn about important updates and opportunities for the new year. 

From August until May, students engage in classroom experiences that continually evolve to meet their needs and expose them to valuable life lessons. In the fall, they celebrate the holidays with parades, themed plays, and donation drives. Students also meet and honor community helpers, including firemen and policemen, when they pay a visit to The Preschool. Spring semester offers an immersive learning week about ancient Jerusalem, our family-friendly Spring Fling event (biennial), Easter chapel and egg hunts, as well as designated Mom and Dad’s Days, where children get to share their school with the special adults in their lives. Additionally, parent-teacher conferences occur twice a year to discuss and monitor child progress, and the end of the school year sees children well-prepared for challenges ahead.

Parents are likewise invited to engage in a myriad of activities throughout the year. Parent Socials (informal adult-only gatherings) encourage early connections in the fall. Parent Enrichment events take place several times a year and include holiday brunches and expert panels on relevant topics. Fundraisers, such as the Book Fair and our marquee Soirée: Dinner & Auction (biennial) serve the dual purpose of building community for our families while raising important funds for our school. Although no year is exactly the same, The Preschool always boasts a calendar filled with engagement opportunities to suit diverse interests.
"Traditions touch us, they connect us, and they expand us."
-Rita Barreto Craig
Located on PRUMC’s beautiful Buckhead campus, The Preschool is an independent, faith based school, for children 12 months through 6 years-old. We are committed to nurturing the whole child in preparation for the most distinguished public and private primary schools in Atlanta.